Organizations We Have Worked With
We have delivered several workshops designed specifically for:
Hamilton Paramedic Services (Hamilton)
Hamilton Fire Services (Hamilton)
County of Simcoe Paramedic Services (Simcoe)
City of Greater Sudbury Fire & Paramedic Services (Sudbury)
Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board Paramedic Services
Ontario Fire Chiefs Administrative Assistants Association (Gravenhurst)
Human resources subcommittee of the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police
Burlington Fire Department (Burlington)
Guelph Fire Department (Guelph);
Halton Paramedic Services (Halton Region)
Niagara EMS (Niagara)
Ontario Provincial Police (province-wide)
Criminal Injuries Compensation Board (Toronto)
Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technology (Saskatoon)
Alberta Corrections Educators’ Association (Banff)
MADD - Mother’s Against Drunk Driving (Toronto)
Numerous victim services units across Ontario;
Bereaved Families of Ontario
Peel District School Board (Mississauga)
The Canadian Centre for Bereavement Education & Grief Counseling (Toronto)
Bethlehem Housing & Support Services (St. Catharines)
Addictions Institute/Studies Forum Inc. (Virgil)
Our workshops are customized to address specific audiences or needs with ongoing input from
the client. Workshops that we have developed include:
Taking care while giving care: Identifying and coping with work-related stress​
Stressful event support for supervisors/management
Dealing with volatile clients or those with mental health issues
Death notification with professionalism and compassion
Crisis intervention and ethics in helping
Defusing and debriefing 101
Promoting first-responder resilience and post-traumatic growth
Suicide risk assessment/awareness
Dealing with complicated grief and trauma bereavement
Cumulative stress, burnout or PTSD: What is it really?
The PTSD (or suicide) epidemic: Fact or Fiction?
Living in the shadow of evil: How to survive encounters with the everyday sociopath

To schedule an appt or receive an intake please contact the number below.
Tel: (905) 635-7770
3190 Harvester Rd
#101, Burlington,
ON L7N 3T1